Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Freedom

    Time is a fluid influencer of states of mind. I believe. Swinging from one moment of desolation and desperation, to moments of random activity, that lead to the clouding out of everything that may have any bearing on the self. The self is what is important. or maybe not. We live in strange times. Times…

  • Not another one…

    No I am not going to start off this post with a \”I\’m back…well maybe\” or something to that effect. I was tempted to upgrade the blog (though i do not know how frequently i will do so) by someone whom im have known of for a while…but getting to know that person more these…

  • What else is there

    This is a song by Royksopp….and a song ive loved for quite a while. Only recently, have I seen its video and have fallen in love with it. Its amazing, interesting, yet scary and creepy at the same time. Have a look!

  • Saari Raat Jaaga

    Its been a while since i have blogged….and i guess as readers..you guys have too many of these….been a while type posts……so here i am, attempting to blog about something, and i guess ill ask a prolific blogging friend of mine to help me get back on track. Back to the topic of this post.…

  • One step too far…

    There are times in our lives when we see the sudden divide between dreams and reality, between hope and certainity, between our dreams and our realities. When this so called shift happens, we undergo a seperation between our concious and subconcious selves, its like a person, with a single mind and body, yet split into…

  • Tagged again….

    1 – Go to \”wikipedia.\” Hit \”random… Read More\”or click http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:RandomThe first random wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.2 – Go to \”Random quotations\”or click http://www.quotationspage.com/random.php3The last four or five words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album.3 – Go to flickr and…

  • The 25 tag…

    Here are the 25 things about me. Some may be funny, some silly, some boring, but its just me. Tag 25 ppl if you chose to do this. Oh and if you have been tagged, you have to do it. If you are a random reader, doing this tag is optional. 1) I believe I…

  • Back to the blog….

    Alright I accept, i concede and I am back to my blog. I have been away from my blog for quite a while, mostly because I have been out of time. At times I feel like im kind of chasing time, or maybe, sometimes I am just too lazy! So heres the story. about a…

  • Swingin\’…

    For some reason or the other, strange states of mind have been haunting me lately. Ranging from moments of extreme elation and heightened awareness and happy moment, to times of weird, slow, lethargic melancholy. It is not the disturbance that bothers me most, it is the state of not know what it is…not knowing what…

  • Exploring Windows Live Writer

    Now I didn\’t have anything else to blog about, despite the so so many things that have been going in and around my life, hence I am blogging about LiveWriter. I added this today and am trying to see what it feels like. Something tells me it is potentially a lot better than ScribeFire….maybe! I…

Got any book recommendations?