Blog Blank

Alright folks, Ramadan has almost officially ended, and has just brought along with it an unbelievably long weekend that lurks at me from the darkness.

I have a natural tendency to work and though I think there are a couple of things I can manage to think straight and consistently about, I honestly doubt that they will be able to contribute anything towards my lack of anything to do state. Whats worse is that the busy week is all of a sudden followed by a large gap of nothingness, just sit at home, maybe hang out a bit.

This year, Ramadan was fairly relaxed on my end, as compared to my almost 15/20 iftars out of home last year, I managed to retain only 3 external iftars. Felt good to be home, at least by iftar time. Best part was leaving office at 5, knowing there would be a significantly diminished rush on the way, meaning I could get home in under 35 mins or so.

Eid is around the corner, its an occasion that I, for some reason, cannot relate to. I understand the religious significance, and the chutti and eidi part, but it just doesn\’t make sense to me. I for one, am amongst those who even wonder why most Islamic countries (and even certain sectors of our society), celebrate Friday as a holiday. Just doesn\’t make sense. Maybe I\’m an overt workaholic, though I don\’t completely agree to that, but yes, I do believe in my workaholism. Its the overtness that\’s the discerning factor.

Been doing a lot of blog hopping lately and quite a few interesting blogs discovered during the last week.

Well, been up for quite a while now, almost 2.30. I think I\’ll have sehri and then sleep in another 15-20 mins I guess. No Saturday night plans.






7 responses to “Blog Blank”

  1. uma Avatar

    ya i agree wid u too.though by no means i m warkoholic(on the contray i m a slob)but still eid is kinda boring to me,mayb the xpectations r so much n the markets r all closed.everything halts

  2. qu3st Avatar

    I dont believe it,you should be thankful to god that you’re gettin to celebrate eid at home,im workin on second day of eid.And ill be the only one doctor in da ward that day.How sad is that?I know about all da sawab involved but Aww can v switch places?

  3. DysfunctionaL Avatar

    ironically, I was always big on eid and I havent been quite able to celebrate it in the past 4 years or so.. ever since I moved out.. eid time is always depressing now..
    as far as work is concerned, I have plenty to do around eid, all thanks to beautifully scheduled midterms..
    u wanna switch places with me for a week? =P

  4. moizza Avatar

    Eid is depressing sans the food. Also the older you grow and the number of little kid in the household dwindles the more pointless it seems to become to celebrate it for some reason.

  5. falsa queen Avatar

    It is people like you who make my school’s administration so pathetic.I wish all the workaholics take a step back and learn to hibernate!

  6. suga Avatar

    Well I hope u enjoy Eid newayz….

  7. Samar Avatar

    The only time eid was fun was when we were kids. Now eid is still big but with almost no fun.