The Thursday Tale…

Here i go again, blogging from my cell, thanks to my dead phone line which has left a significant deal of my home in communication darkness.

Phone has been dead since noon on wednesday, thanks to blind ploughing activity in one of the plains which damaged the cables.

Come thursday, i left for office a bit late since it rained slightly on wednesday too, which has tendencies to have extremely lasting effects on your car at times.

While on my way to work, i used almost a million tissues to wipe off the perspiration after feeling like a constantly-lightly-squeezed-wet-sponge.

Office was cool, started raining at 4, little did we know it would be that mad!

When i left the office at 5:30, i was having a tough time looking out the car thanks to the constant condensation on the windscreen.

Managed to drive, slowly, steadily, only to find that i was heading for the worst jam ever. Just as i took a turn at regent to hit sf and went down by less than a km, everything came to a standstill. Then on, there was movement, only a few metres or so.

The rain was beating down hard, very very hard, and actually did a very thorough body cleaning job of the car.

I started contacting friends, who i assumed were stuck in the jam on the same route in an attempt to gather info.

One friend had lost her car to flooding under a bridge about 3 km down the same road and that point was my eventual path of passage. The lack of movement there was the reason this entire hold up was taking place.

There were signs of slight movements every few mins or so and we did move a few inches once in a while. The only logical option was to sit out, and wait till the movement was realistic.

The rain stopped a few minutes on and i battled the traffic on my left to move into a service lane and parked there.

My growling tummy only found a drink since the store at the nearby fuel station only had drinks and lubricants. I preferred the former.

I waited out a good deal of time, about 3 hours listening to music, smsing friends be im-ing over the phone.

Traffic started moving and it seemed the the water was clearing out.

Jumped into the cockpit again and charged down the road. 10 mins down, saw another holdup and was guided to use to opposite side of the road by a gang of young men who were helping people cross the divide. I jumped in too and resumed my charging down the road. Eventual conclusion: another jam.
After waiting there for about an hour, i saw people pulling u-turns and actually heading the way that the road is supposed to be driven on.

I teamed up with bro, who was stuck nearby and we decided to take the tariq road route, which had been pronounced clear thanks to the radio updates, but not without grabbing a bite.

We rendezvoused (is that a word?) at a kfc on the same road, and after discovering that they were out of stock, we hit kfc at tariq road. Killed the fire in the belly and then drove straight home.

Got there by 1.30 in the night, but couldnt help noticing the thin number of cars in the area. I guess many more people still stuck in the jam.

Crashed in bed. Off to sleep. Friday was obviously a bad day to head to work, so i chilled at home, watched v for vandetta.

Its saturday morning now, light drizzle in progress, i hope no more mad rains come through. I hope my phoneline gets fixed?






8 responses to “The Thursday Tale…”

  1. No One Avatar
    No One

    hey…looks like the rain is pretty hard this summer…anyways glad you had an eventful day…have a great weekend..see ya

  2. ~*Untamed Desires*~ Avatar

    lucky you, enjoying a saturday chutti 😉 it seems everybody in the city spent atleast a good quarter of thursday just stuck in traffic! i hope things get better dads stressed out voice made us realize that even while sitting home, hes gone tired of this mad monsoon spell :S

  3. Jaded Avatar

    poor poor you… the situation in Karachi after rains would be hysterical if not for the factual tragedy that turns our largest city into a maze of water ways and wastes… Hope things dry out and improve at your end soon buddz! 🙂

  4. Teeth Maestro Avatar

    1:30 no shit – u must have literally died sitting there watching the idiotic chaos.

    7 odd hours is horrendous

  5. suga Avatar

    Poor you…man i woulda gone mad..

    N wat a day u had!!

  6. Xill-e-Ilahi Avatar

    at least you got to watch a decent movie the next day. i had to go back to work. on i i chundrigar no less… 🙁

  7. PsycheD Avatar

    u ppl got holidays thanx to the rain!!! take that as consolation to the havoc the rain created:P
    next time be careful when to wish for rain.

  8. sam Avatar

    Well … so far, not one has come close to beating my tale of woe from that day 😀
    Rendezvous = noun so nopes, rendezvoused is not a word.